Was It Really Five Years Ago?

Not sure if anyone is still checking my blog, but if anyone is still out there, hello! After 5 years of being away, I’ve decided it’s time to come back. I just thought I'd pop in to let you know I'm still alive and post an update about what's going on in my life. Life is full of changes, with many highs and lows. And, let’s just say, I took a leave of absence from quilting and blogging to focus on my eBay business which supplements my retirement income. However, last year we were able to refinance and that means my life no longer revolves around eBay. I posted here about this stack of quilt tops I finished in 2010 but remained as UFOs, until now. I've slowly but surely started working on them and have quilted a few. They don't have binding so they're still UFOs. A couple weeks ago I flew to Texas to my DGD's high school graduation. I was so happy to see the first of my grandchildren gr...