What I'm Working On ... RSC 2022 March is Yellow_Gold

Yellow_Gold is the color for March for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and it looks like I'm a little behind. Well, maybe more than a little but I'm diligently working at catching up. 5 Picket Star Blocks The Picket Star block is a free pattern by Sew Preeti Quilts and is available here . 9 Yellow Jack Knife Blocks I'm also working on Bonnie Hunter's Catching Rainbows pattern which is available for purchase. So far I have a total of 27 Jack Knife blocks done -- 9 blocks for each month. February - Aqua January - Red Next are pink for April and green for May. And tomorrow we'll find out what color is new for June. If you'd like to see what other quilters are sharing, please visit the following linky parties which I'm happy to join: ScrapHappy Saturday @ soscrappy Oh Scrap! @ Quilting is More Fun Than Housework Design Wall Monday @ Small Quilts and Doll Quilts Monday Making @ Love Laugh Quilt Until next time ... Be happy and k...