Design Wall Monday: Y2K Blocks #9-#12

I'm still chugging along on my Y2K quilt. I'm not sure what happened to these next two charm sets. The top squishy set had two signature charms but no bio. The bottom set didn't have a signature charm but did have a bio. It just happened that I had an extra loose siggy square so I added it to one of the blocks. I've kept all the squishy sets in a plastic bin which was put away for the past 20 years so who knows what happened here. Top two signature squares from Darla Hamilton in California and Greg Hamilton in Canada. I think I can safely assume Darla and Greg are related and perhaps they were nice enough to send the 2nd siggy from Canada since international siggy squares were sought after. The bottom siggy square is from Beth M. also in Canada. This little square was floating around the bin, footloose and fancy-free. It could have been part of the 2nd or 3rd quilt I made and it somehow found its way to this bin. The charms in the bottom t...